Relocation from UK to Bulgaria was, is and will be a good idea after Brexit.
Bulgaria holds the lowest prices of real estates in EU. The taxes here are the lowest too. And the life? - Easier and healthy.
We all know the good reasons to relocate to Bulgaria: low populated, beautiful and preserved nature, good climate, sea and ski resorts, etc. Now we have new: if UK citizen owns property in Bulgaria, it is quite possible to keep all rights of EU citizenship after Brexit.
UK citizens from the areas of Manchester, Liverpool, Birmingham, Newcastle, etc. continue to choose new life in Bulgaria. Preferred areas in Bulgaria are the provinces of Yambol, Veliko Tarnovo, Gabrovo.
So, after choosing wise the location and the property in Bulgaria, here comes the next step that should be chosen wise: the transport of personal effects from UK to Bulgaria. Choosing the services of our company UKTOBG is always the right choice.
Literallly every week we can react with available trucks on the destinations: Birmingham - Bulgaria, Manchester - Bulgaria, Liverpool - Bulgaria, London - Bulgaria, etc. And almost every week in the South areas: Portsmouth, Southampton, Bornemouth, Plymouth.
The transport to Bulgaria takes 5 - 8 days depending on the exact destinations and the other loads. All out ruck are covered with CMR insurance that covers eventual total loose of all goods.
How to proceed with enquiry: with e - mail. The exact destinations (full address with code in UK) and precise description of the goods that should be transported. These are the two things that allow claculation of rate and giving possible exact date for collection.
So, are serices are ready for yor relocation to Bulgaria.
Published on 14.12.2017 | back to the blog
Tags: relocation from England to Bulgaria, moving UK to Bulgaria